Here's a good article on pumpkin beers I thought I'd share:
8 pumpkin beers to fall for this season
My personal favorites there are the Southern Tier Pumking and Schlafly Pumpkin Ale. I have a bottle of the Pumking in the beer fridge right now actually that I'm saving for a nice fall night. I also drank a bottle of the Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin last night and find that one pretty enjoyable too. A couple not mentioned in the article that I've had in the last week are Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale and Terrapin Pumpkinfest. The Terrapin is actually an Octoberfest style with pumpkin added and is quite different than a lot of them I've tried. Good beer.
For some more recommendations, check out my post from last year called "It's The Great Pumpkin Beer, Charlie Brown."
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