Synopsis: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, discovers vampires are planning to take over the United States. He makes it his mission to eliminate them with his trusty axe.
So it's just totally ridiculous of course, but if you didn't know that from the title you're pretty much an idiot. The beauty of it is that it's just so absurd but it knows that and just rolls with it. I've read reviews where people said it was "too serious" considering the subject matter. You've got to be kidding. THE FREAKING MOVIE IS ABOUT ABE LINCOLN HUNTING AND KILLING VAMPIRES! There's nothing serious here. It's a movie where the title tells the whole story.
But all that aside... this has style to spare. Just the whole visual look and style is slick and cool I think. The action sequences, and there are plenty, are imaginative and exciting. Physics be damned. The whole movie blasts along with quick cuts and urgent storytelling. 2 of the bigger sequences involve horses and a train ride and both are white-knuckle rides with you right in the middle of the action. It's just a lot of fun.
There's gore and violence galore, and not in a cutesy Twlight way. It's more like the Blade movies with a history lesson loosely attached. You'll get your Gettsyburgh Address, underground railroad, politics, slavery and Revolutionary War fixes, you've just got to look between the bloody slaughters to find them.
Preposterous, but damn fun.
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