Synopsis: In 2011, the movie Grave Encounters was a found-footage horror phenomenon from the Vicious Brothers, with a trailer garnering over 20 million views on YouTube. Many people believed it was just a movie. They were wrong, and film student Alex Wright is out to prove it in Grave Encounters 2. How exactly? By gathering some friends and returning to the asylum where it all happened of course.
After a pretty boring first 30 or 40 minutes, this flick finally gets going and once it does it's pretty fun really. If you liked the first, you won't be let down here... and in fact the time spent in the asylum is actually more fun this time around.
Sure, the thrills are a bit on the derivative side and of course the plot itself is pretty corny, but that part is at least sort of original. It's like they took The Blair Witch Project one step further. I was laughing at the ridiculousness of it all but at the same time I sort of wanted to find this asylum (and I did on the Internet, it's actually filmed at Riverview Hospital in Coquitlam, British Columbia) myself and check it out. But by ridiculousness, I mean if the kids really did think the first movie was real then there is absolutely no way they'd have wanted to go there. I know the lead character was being "lured" there but still, if you saw a group of people destroyed and had any doubts about it being real at all you'd stay far away I'd guess. But suspend that silly bit and they at least came up with some original thoughts... right down to the Vicious Brothers themselves making a cameo (as interns). Fun.
There are jump scares for sure and just some flat out creepy scenes, and for the really sqeamish I'd advise closing your eyes for one POV close up beating that's pretty sick, even for me. That alone makes this film more brutal than the first I think. The Vicious Brothers earn their name.
All-in-all, these 2 films aren't classics or anything, but damned if they're not a lot of fun for genre fans. I suggest them viewed back-to-back like I did.
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