Synopsis: An animated film where Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler), who operates a high-end resort away from the human world, goes into overprotective mode when a boy (Andy Samberg) discovers the resort and falls for the count's teen-aged daughter (Selena Gomez).
For starters, there's just a great voice cast here and some really impressive animation. I love all the old classic monster movies and not just because of the monsters like Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolfman but also the settings of creepy woods and old castles and this has all of the above, and they're all wonderfully animated.
But the monsters and goings-on aren't dark like in a Tim Burton sort of way, more like in a Looney Tunes, slapstick sort of way. A lot of these types of films may be aimed more at adults with some in-jokes and pop culture references but this one is really meant to be enjoyed more by children and I think children will love it. Adults who are young at heart may find some things to really enjoy as I did. Fart jokes? Yep, they're here.
There isn't really much to the script other than a tale of an over-protective father and a "teen" kid who wants to see the world, but it's done tastefully and with some heart. But again it's loud enough and fast paced enough with plenty of gags to keep the kids happy I think. Equal parts silly and charming.
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