Synopsis: College-age British boys and girls travel to an isolated cabin after being promised a night of heavy partying. Instead of the fun they hoped for, they meet a killer out to reap vengeance on them for the death of his brother.
Highlights include some pretty decent performances (with an A+ job turned in by Jennie Jacques' cleavage) and a story that veers from just a typical revenge plot with a few good twists and turns. It's nothing mind blowing or anything, but is entertaining for what it is.
I wasn't crazy about the unlikeable bunch of characters they portrayed, leaving nobody to really sympathize with beyond just normal human compassion. And though the story is pretty original with some nice twists, it's also a bit outrageous and silly at times. The characters behave like idiots and there seemed to be many occasions they could have swung the odds in their favor that were passed on. The killer is also supposed to be some military bad-ass, but can't handle a few of these normal college kids 1-on-1 very well either.
This falls somewhere between a good ole cheesy 80s slasher film and some more current torture porn. There's some gore and brutality as it veers into "Saw" territory a few times and it's got a few suspenseful scenes and even builds some nice tension.
Overall a mildly entertaining British teen revenge flick that's intriguing enough to keep you watching without watching the clock.
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